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Best beaches in Malta - St Peter’s Pool | Aliz’s Wonderland
Destinations, Malta

Best beaches in Malta

Are you looking for the Best beaches in Malta, Gozo and Comino? We spent 5 days in Malta to discover the islands. I have to tell you that Malta is…

About Malta-The islands of Malta, Comino and Gozo
Destinations, Malta

About Malta

My foreword introduces Malta with its archipelago (Malta, Gozo and Comino) for you. Furthermore, you can read about my experiences of the Maltese weather, people and eating habits. I also…

Dinner and sunset at Sliema, Surfside bar - Drinking and eating in Malta
Destinations, Malta

Drinking and eating in Malta

Maltese cuisine is typically Mediterranean with English, French, Sicilian, North African influences, reflecting the history. The country has a huge selection of traditional dishes. We tried the Maltese rabbit and…

Day 3 in Malta - Gozo
Destinations, Malta

Day 3 in Malta – Gozo

We left our Airbnb place in the morning and headed to the East to visit the island of Gozo. Ferries take the 5 km to Gozo in approximately 25 minutes.…